Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life

>> Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Harold Lewis is professor emeritus of physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Here is his letter of resignation to Curtis G. Callan, Jr., Princeton University, chairman of the American Physical Society.
Anthony Watts describes it thus:

This is an important moment in the history of science. I would describe it as a letter to the scale of Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses to the Wittenberg church door. It is worth repeating that the letter in its entirety on every blog that deals with science.

It is so completely overwhelming that I will run the entire, without any further comment. (H / T GWPF Richard Brearley).

Dear Curt:
When I was at the American Physical Society 67 years ago it was much smaller, much softer and yet uncorrupted by the flood of money (a threat against which Dwight Eisenhower warned half a century earlier). Indeed, the choice of physics as a profession was a sponsor of a life of poverty and abstinence, was the Second World War changed everything. The prospect led some physicists worldly gain. As recently as 35 years ago, when I was chairman of the first year of an APS controversial social / scientific issue, the reactor safety study, if there were a lot of fanatics out there was no indication of excessive pressure on us as physicists. We are able to generate what I thought was a fair assessment of the situation at that time. We were also activated by the presence of a supervisory committee consisting of Pete Panofsky, Vicki Weisskopf and Hans Bethe, all physicists dominant above reproach. I'm proud of what we have done in an atmosphere charged. Finally the Supervisory Committee in its report to President APS, noted the full independence that we have done the work, and predicted that the report would be attacked from both sides. What greater tribute could there be?

Is it different now. The Giants no longer walk the earth, and the flood of money has become the rationale for research in physics as the subsistence agricultural lives of many more, and it supports many professional work. For reasons that will soon clear my pride a former member all these years APS has changed in disgrace, and I am forced, with no pleasure at all to offer you my resignation of the Company.

This is, of course, the scam of global warming, with trillions (literally) of dollars on the wheel, which damaged so many scientists, and realized APS for her as a rogue wave. It is larger than fraud and most successful nickname I have in my long life as a physicist seen. Anyone who has any doubt that this is the case should force himself to read documents Climategate, which is the scale. (Book Montford organizer of the facts very well.) I do not think any physicist real scientific turn, can read these things without disgust. I'd almost say that aversion to a definition of science.

So what did the GSP, as an organization to meet this challenge to face? He accepted corruption as the norm, and disappeared with her. For example:

1. About a year ago a few of our e-mail on this topic at a fraction of its members. APS ignored the questions, but the president and an immediate investigation hostile to where we got the email. In his best days, the APS used discussion of important issues to advance, and even referred to the Constitution as the main goal. Not anymore. Everything that happened last year is designed to suppress debate

2. The APS statement disturbing bias on climate change was apparently written in a hurry by some people over lunch, and certainly not representative of the talents of the members of the APS as I have long been known. While some of us asked the Board to reconsider. One of the points in circulation (in) the difference in the declaration were the undisputed word poison, which describes some elements of physics, certainly not this one. In reply APS has appointed a secret committee that never met, never upset to talk to skeptics, not yet subscribed to the statement in its entirety. (They admit that the show was a bit much, but surprisingly, the word poison essential to the evidence, a position supported by a person described.) Eventually, the Board upheld the original statement, word for word but approved ' very long "explanatory" screed, admitting that there is uncertainty, but aside from giving blanket approval to the original. The original statement, which remains the APS position, also contains what I consider stupid and pompous advice to all governments in the world, as if the APS is master of the universe. It is not, and I am embarrassed that our leaders seem to think it is. It's not fun and games, it's serious issues involving fractions majority of our national fabric, and the reputation of the company as a scientific community is at stake

3. Meanwhile, the scandal erupted Climategate in the news, and the machinations of big scare came to light in the world. It was a fraud on a scale, I've never seen, and I lack words to his greatness described. Effect on the APS position: None. Not at all. This is not science, other forces are at work.

4. While some of us tried to science in the law to put (that is, after all, the alleged purpose and history of the APS), and collected the 200 signatures needed to refer to the Council a proposal for a group news about climate science, thought that open discussion of scientific issues, in the best tradition of physics, will be beneficial for everyone, and also a contribution to the country. I find it difficult signatures to collect because you refused to use the list of APS members. We comply in all respects with the requirements of the APS Constitution, and describe in detail what we had in mind, it is sufficient to bring the outdoors. <

5. To our surprise, the Constitution be damned, you refused to accept our request, but rather to your own management of the mailing list used a survey of members' interests to work in a TG on the climate and the environment. You ask members if they would petition a TG on the subject that remains to be determined questionnaire, but no petition, and the many positive responses. (If you have asked about the sex you would have received several expressions of interest.) It was obviously not such a petition or proposal, and now you leave the party for the environment and the whole issue is moot. (Any lawyer will tell you that you can not collect signatures on a petition wave, and then fill in whatever you want.) The only purpose of this exercise was to ensure that your constitutional responsibility to our petition to take advice.

6. From now on you have a secret committee formed and stacked your TG organize, simply ignore our legal petition.

APS management has gamed the problem of beginning a serious discussion about removing the merits of the claims of climate change. Do not be surprised if I lose confidence in the organization?

I do not feel the need for a note to add, and this is speculation because it is always risky the motivations of others are discussed. This plot APS HQ, so strange that a simple explanation for it. Some felt that physicists today are not as smart as they did, but I do not think it's a problem. I think it is exactly, what Eisenhower warned about half a century. In fact, there are billions of dollars at stake, none of the glory and fame (and frequent trips to exotic islands) that a club member to say. Your own Department of Physics (which you president) would lose millions a year if the global warming bubble. When Penn State Mike Mann absolved of wrongdoing, and the University of East Anglia did the same for Phil Jones, they might not notice the financial penalty to do otherwise. As the saying goes, you do not need a weatherman in which direction the wind is blowing to know. As I am not a philosopher, I'm not going to explore how an enlightened self-interest crosses the line on corruption, but a careful reading of exemptions Climategate clearly indicates that it is not an academic question.

I want nothing from him, so please accept my resignation. AHS represents more of me, but I hope we are still friends.

Harold Lewis is Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, the former president, former member of Defense Science Board, CHMN panel technology, chairman of the DSB study on Nuclear Winter, a former member of the Advisory Committee on Safeguards reactor former member, chairman of the Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee, APS President study on the safety of nuclear reactors
President Risk Assessment Review Group, co-founder and former chairman of Jason, a former member of the USAF Scientific Advisory Board, served in the U. S. Navy in World War II books: technological risk (about, surprise, technological risk) and why Flip a Coin (the decision)


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