
>> Saturday, October 16, 2010

The sign of Cancer (June 22-July 22) has very little to do with the Barbary crustaceans, believe it or not. In fact, it is difficult to identify exactly what the personality of cancer. 

The ancient Egyptians knew as the Cancer sacred scarab. It was a symbol of resurrection and immortality and they often placed a picture of a scarab in the body when the heart was in the process of mummification.

Cancer is very imaginative and intuitive. They are great artists and musicians. They are not risk takers, and take time for all types of outcomes and probabilities before they think on a new adventure. They are very friendly and protective of those around them. They will help you in every possible way, but not on impulse and temper their generosity with calculating all the risks first. They are emotional and family love, and thousands of people and animals.

In the Zodiac Great Year, age of cancer declined between 8600 and 6450 BC. There was a time characterized by the worship of mother goddesses. During this period alcohol fermentation was discovered and people began to use copper.

Cancer makes good journalists, writers or politicians because of their ability to think and judge independently what they say. They're good in public, perhaps in social service agencies. Cancer is a good suppliers because they love themselves comfortable and good life. Cancers can procrastinate and can upset their families with this trait. They are not too good at taking orders, so positions where they should be subject or subordinate does not suit them well.

Famous Cancers comprise an interesting mix of accomplishments. These include the Duke of Windsor and Bob Fosse, Sylvester Stallone, the Dalai Lama, Robin Williams and Ernest Hemingway.

The ideal partner for Cancer is Taurus, while the character with the least potential for a harmonious relationship with Cancer is Aries.


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