Sumatran Elephants And The Destruction Of Villages
>> Sunday, October 3, 2010
Tapaktuan, Aceh - A flock of seven Sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus sumatrae) roamed the residential area of town Gampong Trumon Timur subdistrict, South Aceh rain.
"It's a couple of days that an elephant is roaming in the area, trampling and destroying crops," the director of the Institute of South Aceh community
Development Strategy (Insosdes) T Masrizar said in Tapaktuan Thurs
The protected animals were also destroyed crops like oil palm, banana and cultures second.
The elephant also caused fear of the residents, especially at night, while most of the time they stayed inside.
"The destruction of wild elephants at the foot of Mount Leuser great concern and fear for the residents and government officials concerned are called upon to handle the situation caused," said Masrizar.
Many villagers tried to hunt large animals away throwing fireballs at them and make loud noises, but large animals left behind and appear to be reluctant to move.
"It seems that the villagers came to their mind` s end, and did not know what to do, while large animals continued to have their crops destroyed, he added.
He said apart from the sub-district Trumon Timur, other sub-districts as Bakongan Kluet Timur and the victims of the giant animals
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